What’s in a name, they say? It’s quality that matters, not what you call it, right?
Well, at SALSA Signals we think names are just as important.
Names can immediately conjure up images and emotions.
Names identify who we are and connect us to our identity and individuality.
Names can impact identity – how others think about us and how we think about ourselves.
Names can mean a lot of things and even be a play on words. You can stake your reputation on your name.
Names are powerful.
We think we have found just the right name, so let us introduce ourselves…
Hi! We’re Salsa Signals and like a good, spicy tomato SALSA, you can’t feast on our trading signals for too long, just 2-48 hours, only long enough to benefit from their quality and reap the tasty rewards. Our trading style is a bit slower than the fast and furious scalpers, but much faster than the slow and steadfast day traders – an exciting flavour for your palate.
On the other hand, as with any SALSA dance, we don’t take ourselves too seriously, but we do take our money very seriously. We love to have fun, be a little daring, think outside the box, leverage off the market’s volatility during up and down trends, and very importantly, take our losses quickly, get over them and move on without grudges.
Now that you know a bit about us and our name, we want to get to know you by name as well…
At SALSA Signals getting to know our members is important to us and for that reason, once you subscribe, you will be invited to a Telegram Chat Channel where you will join our community and where we will get to know you by name. Successful trading is all about discipline and patience and being plugged into a transparent, reliable community is a bonus and certainly helps tremendously. Through our members’ contributions, in terms of criticism and suggestions, we have shaped ourselves and have grown exponentially over the past four months – we’d like you to be part of our continuing success.
To let you know that we are serious about getting to know you better, we are giving you little gift. This will tell you a bit more about who we are, that we are serious about trading and your specific trading journey, will be invested in you and will want you to succeed.
Please accept the Agreement Contract as our gift to you.
Our agreement contract: It’s important to acknowledge vulnerability, triggers, and emotions, but we can’t let it manipulate our trading strategy. How do you separate strategy and emotions, you ask? By setting up an agreement with yourself at the start of your trading journey (or today), and by NEVER breaking your own rules. Think long and hard about the terms and conditions of your agreement, chop and change them as you want to, but once signed, they are set in stone and you don’t negotiate them again, EVER!
So, sign up for our signals, bring your contract agreement, say ‘HI” and introduce yourself so we can learn YOUR name.
Let’s Salsa our way to profits, together.
Salsa Signals is no longer available in our online store. Visit our Online Store here to find other similar products – https://bitcointaf.com/all-products-cryptocurrency-training/
The Salsa Signals Team