The Ultimate DeFi Course

The Ultimate DeFi Course


The Ultimate DeFi Course

Know exactly how and what to do before the markets move for massive success with DeFi and Web3


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Revolutionize Your Financial Journey with "The Ultimate DeFi Course"

Embark on a transformative learning experience and unlock the full potential of Decentralized Finance (DeFi). This comprehensive course is your gateway to a realm of financial opportunities, offering profound benefits that will reshape your approach to blockchain and decentralized ecosystems.

Transformative Skills for Financial Empowerment:

1. Seamless Navigation of DeFi Networks

   - Gain confidence and eliminate confusion as you effortlessly navigate DeFi networks and platforms.

   - Unlock the power of decentralized platforms, bridging, and peer-to-peer borrowing & lending without overwhelm.

2. Master the Art of Trading BTC

   - Trade Satoshi's or BTC pairs with precision, positioning yourself strategically in the ever-evolving crypto market.

3. Cutting-Edge Web3 Proficiency

   - Harness web3 tools and solutions to stay ahead of the curve in the rapidly advancing world of decentralized technologies.

   - Dive deep into decentralized ID and AI, gaining insights that set you apart in the blockchain landscape.

4. Blockchain Staking Expertise

   - Seamlessly participate in blockchain native staking, ensuring you maximize your returns with EVM networks like THETA and more.

5. Early Project Spotting and Research

   - Sharpen your skills in fundamental research, empowering you to spot promising projects before they become mainstream.

   - Stay ahead of the market with insights that give you a strategic advantage.

6. Technical and Onchain Analysis Mastery

   - Utilize advanced tools for technical and onchain analysis, positioning yourself with high-potential projects.

   - Make informed decisions backed by thorough analysis and strategic insights.

7. Strategic Planning for Success

   - Develop robust trading and investment plans, ensuring you navigate the volatile crypto market with confidence and purpose.

8. Profitable IDO & Presale Strategies

   - Dive into the world of Initial DEX Offerings (IDO) and presale strategies, unlocking opportunities for significant gains.

   - Leverage insider strategies for successful participation in early investment rounds.

9. Blockchain Scans and Top-End Onchain Analysis

   - Navigate blockchain scans effortlessly and perform top-notch onchain analysis using advanced tools, gaining a holistic understanding of blockchain projects.

10. NFT Mastery for Real Digital Ownership

    - Explore the lucrative world of NFTs, understanding how to leverage them for real digital ownership and fast-tracking your success.

Enroll in "The Ultimate DeFi Course" and witness a paradigm shift in your financial knowledge and strategies. Empower yourself with skills that transcend traditional finance, opening up new avenues for financial success in the decentralized era!



- Modules include workbooks and downloadable resources to make life easy

- Gain Complete Confidence Navigating Decentralized Networks, Protocols and Platforms

- Generate Returns from Staking, Yield & Liquidity Farming without Regulatory Risk

- Cutting-edge tech, Tools and strategy to Powerhouse your Portfolio


Order today and receive immediate access:

1. 6 months of access to pre-recorded coursework and all new video updates

2. 6 months of access to the Telegram Channel for course updates and announcements

3. 6 months of access to Weekly Live Training and Project Deep Dives through Zoom


What we don't cover:

· Scalping - Please refer to the HODLNOTS Scalping Course at BitcoinTAF

· Trading / Indicators - Please refer to the Ultimate Trading Course at BitcoinTAF



Our videos ARE NOT financial advice!

All of the content available through this channel is for educational purposes only.

This is not financial advice, and BitcoinTAF is not liable for the outcomes of your investments or trades.

Make sure you understand the risks involved in trading.


Do you accept crypto for payment?

Yes of course!

How do I claim my pre-sale bonus?

Once payment has been made go to Help Centre. Copy and paste the info for a free content in the Help Centre ticket and request free immediate access. The team will respond to your request within 24 hours during week days.

For who is this course intended?

The Course has been developed to suit Beginner, Intermediate and even more seasoned DeFi users. No matter your skill level - You will find great value as the trainer delves deep into every facet of Decentralized Finance. DeFi is an ongoing technology and the trainer updates relevant courseware frequently. You get the newest information and skills first hand.

How is the Mastering DeFi Course structured & delivered?

The Course is prerecorded and a working book is supplied with each module for the student to go back and reflect as well as apply/practise/study everything they learned in the corrosponding chapters before moving on to the next module. These activities will apply the knowledge that you gathered in an efficient way.

Will I have contact with the trainers if I have a question?

The trainers will have live zoom calls weekly where they will answer any questions you may have regarding the course. These Links will be shared in the events section of The Mastering DeFi Course so please take note of them. These zoom meetings will only be open to subscribers of the course.

What is the end expectation of the course?

After completing the course you will have a well-developed understanding of the most popular DeFi Networks, Protocols, Opportunities and Risks, as well as a sought-after skill set and overall strategy that will ensure success and profitability.

Do you pay a referral commission and where can I find the Revenue Plan for Affiliates?

Download the Affiliate Revenue Plan by going to HELP CENTRE > Downloads - see Documents. There is also a number of videos that can be downloaded to be used as marketing on social media.

What is DeFi and how does it differ from traditional finance?

DeFi (Decentralized Finance) refers to financial services that are provided on a blockchain or decentralized platform. These services can include lending, borrowing, exchange, payment, prediction markets, and more. DeFi is different from traditional finance in that it is open, permissionless, and decentralized. This means that anyone with an internet connection can access DeFi services without the need for intermediaries or approval from a central authority. DeFi also relies on smart contracts and decentralized governance to automate financial processes and reduce the need for trust in third parties.

How does DeFi use blockchain technology?

DeFi relies on blockchain technology to provide secure, transparent, and immutable record-keeping for financial transactions. Blockchain allows DeFi to operate in a decentralized manner, without the need for a central authority or intermediaries. It also enables DeFi to offer a wide range of financial services, such as peer-to-peer lending, automated market making, and decentralized exchanges, by using smart contracts to encode and enforce the terms of financial agreements.

What types of financial services are available through DeFi?

DeFi offers a wide range of financial services, including lending, borrowing, exchange, payment, prediction markets, and more. Some examples of DeFi protocols and services include: Lending protocols, such as Compound, which allow users to earn interest on their cryptocurrency by lending it out, or borrow cryptocurrency by putting up collateral. Exchange protocols, such as Uniswap, which allow users to buy and sell cryptocurrency directly with each other, without the need for a central exchange. Payment protocols, such as Lightning Network, which enable fast and cheap transactions of cryptocurrency for everyday use. Prediction markets, such as Augur, which allow users to buy and sell shares in the outcome of events, such as elections or sports games.

How do DeFi protocols work and what are some examples?

DeFi protocols are decentralized networks that provide financial services on the blockchain. They are usually open-source, meaning that anyone can access and contribute to their development. DeFi protocols typically operate using smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement written in code. When certain conditions are met, the smart contract automatically executes the terms of the agreement. Some examples of DeFi protocols include: Compound: a lending protocol that allows users to earn interest on their cryptocurrency by lending it out, or borrow cryptocurrency by putting up collateral. Uniswap: an exchange protocol that allows users to buy and sell cryptocurrency directly with each other, without the need for a central exchange.

How is DeFi changing the financial industry?

DeFi is disrupting the traditional financial industry by offering alternative, decentralized solutions for financial services. DeFi allows individuals and businesses to access financial services without the need for intermediaries, which can reduce costs and increase accessibility. DeFi also has the potential to enable new types of financial instruments and products, such as decentralized stablecoins, which can be used to store and transfer value in a more stable and transparent manner. However, DeFi also introduces new risks and challenges, such as the potential for security breaches and the need for users to manage their own assets and risks.

What are the benefits and risks of using DeFi?

Benefits: Accessibility: DeFi allows anyone with an internet connection to access financial services, regardless of their location or financial status. Transparency: DeFi protocols operate on the blockchain, which provides a transparent and immutable record of all transactions. Automation: DeFi protocols use smart contracts to automate financial processes, reducing the need for intermediaries and manual intervention. Innovation: DeFi enables the creation of new types of financial instruments and products, such as decentralized stablecoins, which can be used to store and transfer value in a more stable and transparent manner. Risks: Volatility: The value of cryptocurrency and other DeFi assets can be highly volatile, which can lead to significant losses for investors. Security: DeFi protocols are vulnerable to hacking and other security breaches, which can result in the loss of funds. Complexity: DeFi can be complex and difficult to understand for non-technical users, which can lead to mistakes and losses. Regulation: DeFi is an emerging and largely unregulated industry, which can create uncertainty and legal risks for users.

How can individuals and businesses get involved with DeFi?

Buying and holding cryptocurrency: DeFi protocols often require users to hold a certain amount of cryptocurrency in order to participate. Lending or borrowing cryptocurrency: Some DeFi protocols, such as Compound, allow users to lend or borrow cryptocurrency by putting up collateral. Using DeFi protocols: Users can access and interact with DeFi protocols through a wallet or other application. Developing DeFi projects: Developers can create and launch their own DeFi projects by building on existing protocols or creating new ones.

What are some challenges facing the DeFi industry?

Scalability: DeFi protocols can suffer from slow transaction speeds and high fees when demand is high, which can limit their usability and adoption. Regulation: DeFi is an emerging and largely unregulated industry, which can create uncertainty and legal risks for users. Security: DeFi protocols are vulnerable to hacking and other security breaches, which can result in the loss of funds. User experience: DeFi can be complex and difficult to use for non-technical users, which can limit its accessibility and adoption.

What are the future prospects for DeFi?

The future prospects for DeFi are highly uncertain and depend on a number of factors, including the adoption of blockchain technology, the development of new protocols and products, and regulatory developments. Some experts believe that DeFi has the potential to revolutionize the financial industry by offering alternative, decentralized solutions for financial services. Others are more skeptical, pointing to the challenges and risks facing the DeFi industry. Overall, it is likely that DeFi will continue to evolve and grow in the coming years, but it remains to be seen how it will impact the financial industry and society as a whole.

How can I get started with DeFi?

Importance of education and course scripts Learn about DeFi: To get started with DeFi, it is important to understand what it is and how it works. You can learn about DeFi by reading articles and watching videos online, taking a course or workshop, or joining a DeFi community or forum. Choose a crypto wallet: To participate in DeFi, you will need a crypto wallet to store and manage your cryptocurrency. There are many types of crypto wallets available, each with their own features and risks. You can choose a wallet that best fits your needs and comfort level. Buy cryptocurrency: To use DeFi, you will need to buy some cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. You can buy cryptocurrency through a cryptocurrency exchange or marketplace, or you may be able to accept it as payment for goods or services. Explore DeFi protocols and services: Once you have a crypto wallet and some cryptocurrency, you can start exploring DeFi protocols and services. You can do this by visiting DeFi websites, downloading DeFi apps, or joining DeFi communities or forums. Start using DeFi: Once you are comfortable with DeFi and have a good understanding of the risks and benefits, you can start using DeFi to access financial services, such as lending, borrowing, exchange, and more. You can also consider participating in DeFi governance and contributing to the development of DeFi protocols and services.

How can I stay up to date with the latest developments in DeFi?

Our product promise of being current and up to date/ever evolving Follow DeFi news and analysis: You can follow DeFi news and analysis by subscribing to DeFi-focused publications, following DeFi experts on social media, and joining DeFi communities or forums. Attend DeFi events: You can attend DeFi events, such as conferences, workshops, and meetups, to learn about the latest trends and developments in DeFi. Participate in DeFi communities: You can participate in DeFi communities, such as forums, Discord groups, and Telegram channels, to learn from other DeFi enthusiasts and experts. Contribute to DeFi projects: You can contribute to DeFi projects by reporting bugs, suggesting improvements, or even developing your own DeFi projects.

How can I participate in the DeFi community and contribute to its development?

Join DeFi communities: You can join DeFi communities, such as forums, Discord groups, and Telegram channels, to learn from other DeFi enthusiasts and experts, and share your own knowledge and experience. Attend DeFi events: You can attend DeFi events, such as conferences, workshops, and meetups, to meet other DeFi enthusiasts and experts and learn more about DeFi. Contribute to DeFi projects: You can contribute to DeFi projects by reporting bugs, suggesting improvements, or even developing your own DeFi projects. Participate in DeFi governance: Some DeFi protocols use decentralized governance, which allows users to participate in decision-making processes by voting or staking their cryptocurrency. You can participate in DeFi governance by learning about the governance models of different DeFi protocols and casting your votes or staking your cryptocurrency. Share your knowledge: You can share your knowledge and experience with DeFi by writing articles, creating videos, or giving presentations. You can also mentor others who are new to DeFi or help them get started.

Ratings & Reviews


Total 3 Reviews



The Ultimate DeFi Course
The Ultimate DeFi Course is my goto to translate my nonexistent DeFi - “french” into understandable english. On top of that, I found Cory to be super approachable and has helped me clear the confusion around various DeFi related questions in an easy and practical manner. Very glad to have found them and to be part of that community.


Real DeFi experience
Yesterday was the first time I attended the DTM Essential DeFi zoom call with the team, which was truly incredible. It is packed with new information that you don't often hear. It was a great experience and look forward to attending each week.


Well done, plenty of knowledge
First time I've been on the Essential DeFi course, very well done and for sure something everyone will benefit from.