Do you know the updated HODLNOTS scalping strategy?

published on: November 6th, 2023

Are you one of our members who did the course a while ago, have ventured out on your own and are now thinking about a return?

Firstly, it’s been a while, how are you?

Secondly, we are so excited about what has been happening in HODLNOTS over the past year we wanted to give everyone a quick update to let you know what you’ve been missing – it might make the decision easier for you.  Even though you might have been gone for a while we still certainly often think about how we can help you profit – you’ll always be part of the family.

Over the past year, and maybe even more, the market conditions have changed dramatically and we, in turn, have moved with the times and changed the way in which we scalp.  For instance, we are scalping more quickly, using different indicators and different exchanges and are in trades for a shorter amount of time – finding more profits by doing so.

We think keeping up to date with our new scalping strategy is vital because:

  1. New strategies can help you make better, informed decisions. (and not leave you wondering why the old strategy is not working in this market)
  2. you can avoid making emotional decisions that could lead to losses
  3. and, really, new strategies can help you maximise profits.


Now, we don’t want you to have to retake the course to learn the differences.  Instead we are offering a Refresher Meeting to bring you up-to-date on how we are currently trading (and basically what you have missed this past year).  See the agenda below:

Additionally, to ensure all our community members stay up-to-date, we are having even more trainings/trading sessions than ever before in our LODGE and also introduced a free, self paced but step-by-step trading challenge that has already seen 3 members take $40.00 and turn it into $2500.  (a whopping 6150% total portfolio gain).  Read all about the challenge here.

We would love for you to be able to take advantage of these new enhancements especially now that the market is beginning to move in the positive direction.

If you are interested in updating your skills, and also saying hi to other “older” HODLNOTS who have come back to our community and are already gaining better profits, please re-join the LODGE / DEN and tag Wendy with the hashtag #IMBACKWENDY.   We will then schedule the Refresher Meeting with you to get you up to speed.

You can join the Den here. 

You are missed and we would love to see you back in the community trading with us again.

p.s  Not a certified HODLNOT yet?  There are several options to get you started on becoming one and taking advantage of all of the above:


HODLNOTS Premium Course

Looking forward to seeing you soon!


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